I want to open some sort of account for my little girl, she’s only 2 months old now but the sooner the better with these things. Has any of the parents on here looked into it and found any particularly good deals? Good interest rates etc?
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I want to open some sort of account for my little girl, she’s only 2 months old now but the sooner the better with these things. Has any of the parents on here looked into it and found any particularly good deals? Good interest rates etc?
Interest rates are terrible. I use National Solidarity Bonds and the post office for the kids.
I've always found this a useful link for comparing offerings in this space. As Moe said, current rates are miniscule but as central banks start to withdraw liquidity by reducing quantitative easing, borrowing interest rates and inflation gradually starts to move more towards normalizing from the low levels of the past 10 years, etc, the interest rates should start to lift a little in the next year or two. I'd say, get started saving anywhere thats paying anything positive now and keep an eye on the link as competition for savers money starts to heat up. For the time being I'd avoid any fixed terms longer than 6 months.
A Credit Union a/c would be a good move - again minimal interest, but always the option later in life for sensibly priced college/car loans etc once you've savings with them...
I have a credit union account for the lil one, interest is miniscule, I also purchase government prize bonds.
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Bank of Ireland offer a kids savings account. We have it for our eldest. Need to open one for the baby.
I think you spelt car wrong !! [emoji1]