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Thread: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

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  1. #1

    Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    Interesting, wondering what's in store for motorists. I am always more inclined to use the car because of such high road tax coasts I want my money to be worth while. If road tax was only e.g 100 per year Id be more inclined to save on fuel therefore personally lower road tax would make me use the car less.

  2. #2
    BMWHaus Guru
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    Jul 2013

    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    This has made me very angry. It's just yet another reason to take money from the public. Who's for a revolution?

    There should be a tax on bullshit and corruption. We need a few heads on sticks at this stage.

  3. #3
    BMWHaus Contributor
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    Ah for f*ck sake, will they ever get a new drum to beat. Motor tax has no effect on whether people are willing to use public transport. I pay the highest pre-08 tax now and I use the bus at least twice a day Monday-Friday, sometimes more. I'll use it to go to Croke Park/Parnell Park when the intercounty starts back up, to go to the cinema and at various other times when it makes sense. I won't use it when I'm going to be out late (bus service stops at 11:30pm pretty much) or when using it is uneconomical on my time or money e.g. a trip to Clondalkin takes ~25 mins from home, but on a bus would take two fares, one to the city centre, one to Clondalkin and would take at least an hour.

    Back when I had a Peugeot 206 at €300 tax I did the exact same thing. If the tax went up on my Peugeot I'd just pay it, if the tax goes up on the M3 I would have to consider changing car. The increases would not change my usage, and I doubt they will for anybody else.

    Nobody wants to use a crap, expensive public transport system that doesn't serve them well. Raising motor tax won't have any effect except taking cars off the road (and not just for commuting). Raising tolls will do nothing except force traffic onto non-tolled and less well-equipped routes.

    It's a stupid plan. If the government want us to use public transport then improve the quality and value of the service supplied

  4. #4
    BMWHaus Guru
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    Quote Originally Posted by TouchingVirus
    It's a stupid plan. If the government want us to use public transport then improve the quality and value of the service supplied
    They don't they really don't everybody knows this will just be a reason to get cash not for any other reason what ever guise it's in.

  5. #5
    BMWHaus Guru
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    If the tax the user idea means more or less scrapping road tax and sticking it on the fuel - then great.

    If they intend on retaining the road tax as well as charging for usage, then boo.

    Have a current road tax bill p/a of roughly 3.5k, and I pay 1k per year for my train ticket - which I use every day, so would be slightly infuriating to be even further buggered on taxes. Given theres little or no further capacity on public transport - I'm not quite sure what they expect people to abandon cars in favour of.

  6. #6
    BMWHaus Guru
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    Jul 2013

    Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    it would be non-sensical to increase motor tax without first improving public transport.
    i currently like in Dublin 15 and commute to work in the airport circa 15min drive.

    if i was to get public transport i`d have to get at least 2 buses via dublin city or a train and then metro north... oh wait ....... :dodgy:

    public transport is just not a viable option for a lot of people so to increase taxes to encourage use of public transport would be the wrong way to go.

  7. #7
    BMWHaus Contributor
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    They are fucking retards in government that and a group if bullshitters. They know the public transport system isn't good enough to serve 80-90%of motorists needs so it will just be another increase in revenue for them. If they really wanted to decrease the amount fossil fuels being use they should improve public transport/ cycle lanes etc.

    For instance I would have to take a bus and a train to work if I used public transport and leave at least an hour earlier, that option doesn't really cut it but I would love
    to cycle to work. Unfortunately there is no safe route to cycle to where I work because cycle lanes or hard shoulders do not exist on a large part of the journey. I genuinely would be afraid of being killed if I cycled the route in busy traffic. I work in large industrial estate where there are hundreds employed and also a residential area. It's basically down to laziness and stupidity that there was no cycle lanes put in when the development was taking place, if this tax is to be brought in then I think there would need to be tax breaks for situations like mine where adequate public transport etc is not provided. It would be the only way to make the tax fair and not another money grabbing excuse.

    One way or another the government are just a load of pricks that are drunk at the wheel of the country and havn't a clue if what's going on on the ground.

  8. #8
    BMWHaus Guru
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    Would everyone agree this is a two tiered approach?

    We are the runt of a country trying to keep up and in line with the money, sorry other countries, in Europe and we never will as the ground work/infrastructure was never here in this country in the first place to allow such changes.

    And second if nothing else just yet another reason to relieve yet money from the public?

    So a win win in back slapping circles.

    As a people we need a new approach.

  9. #9
    BMWHaus Guru
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    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    [size=large]We are also the least likely in the EU to travel daily within cities (13pc), [/size]

    Idiots I for one have no choice but to drive to work. It's cheaper than the Train which is another inviable option. I cannot even use this service as it so poor ant the timetable is absolutle rubbish. It's not like getting a train in London or any other major city it's a disaster. Loads of people just can't use public transport or have no need for it. This irrates me 10X. Should be a reward for carpooling of something else. This is just another attempt to take us from behind.

  10. #10
    BMWHaus Guru
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    Jul 2013

    RE: Taxes to force you from car on to bus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifer
    [size=large]We are also the least likely in the EU to travel daily within cities (13pc), [/size]

    Idiots I for one have no choice but to drive to work. It's cheaper than the Train which is another inviable option. I cannot even use this service as it so poor ant the timetable is absolutle rubbish. It's not like getting a train in London or any other major city it's a disaster. Loads of people just can't use public transport or have no need for it. This irrates me 10X. Should be a reward for carpooling of something else. This is just another attempt to take us from behind.
    Proof you car pool could give you reduced car tax? Would be a good idea but then they wouldn't get the cash out of it. So unlikely.

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