
Firstly thank you for taking the time for completing the survey - unfortunately there are no prizes as the survey was anonymous :P
You just get a warm fuzzing feeling inside for doing something good!

For the most part, we seem to be doing things very well; but there is always room for improvement - which we plan to do. I want to address some of the issues raised!

Delivery Costs
At 7.95 we are 1.45 over our major competitors for larger order, but we like to think that some of that can be made back on some of the price differences.

For smaller objects it is quite expensive, no doubting that, but the issue lies mainly with the fact that we really need a registered service. Items could be sent with An Post, but paying for registered post would mean no saving, and if we dont have it registered someone could say they never received it.

The price that we have at the moment was the best we could haggle when starting out, and now we have shown our worth, perhaps we can haggle that more - we plan to work on that.

If anyone has any suggestions or experience of cheaper options; Id be grateful for a PM!

The Products Available
One or two responses saying that the range is a bit limited; and we accept that, but we plan to add two new ranges in the coming weeks....more about that in the next day or two!

Majority of response were that were are competitive or in line with Irish suppliers.
We likely have different suppliers, perhaps from different countries so currency and shipping rates come into play, but if there is a product that you know you can get cheaper from an Irish supplier, contact us and we will price match it.

Items Out of Stock
Yes, totally agree, and its bugging us as much as it is you!
Some of it is down to suppliers not being able to supply us (machine polishers for example), and some of it is partially down to us, holding off on re-ordering CGs for example if only one or two products are low or out of stock, in an attempt to get new ranges in....the Out of Stock issue will be resolved over the next few weeks.

One or two other small things came up, but we've addressed those already.
Now, I said there was no prizes, but how about a discount code? If you've had the patience to read through to here; use THANKS to get 15% off almost everything; kits or items already discounted not included.

Thanks for your time on the survey and your continued loyalty!
Detailing Shed