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Thread: Replacing DISA - where to buy

  1. #1

    Replacing DISA - where to buy

    So after seeing Owens thread about his oil consumption then seeing what happened with his DISA I went nosing about. Lo and behold the return mechanism is borked.
    My question is should I
    a) buy a whole new unit - if so where is best - internet searches have not been fruitful other than ebay merchants I have not bought from before
    b) buy a repair kit
    c) look for second hand unit

    real world experience and results would be very helpful.


  2. #2

    RE: Replacing DISA - where to buy

    I got my repair kit from the States, was here in about a week. I used German Auto Solutions. The kit was fantastic, they supplied grease, wipes, lockwire, and the parts were machined to a very high standard.

    I know other companies have the same photos on their pages advertising their kits, but in the business I'm in a lot of third party companies use photos that don't represent their own products or quality. For the sake of an extra 20 euro or so I was happy I went with their kit.

    Repair it btw - I'd mine out, repaired, and in again in about an hour.

  3. #3

    RE: Replacing DISA - where to buy

    Thanks Owen I'll go with that.

    For information Mr. Duffy would have required 316 of my euros to part with his one.

  4. #4

    RE: Replacing DISA - where to buy

    The issue I have with the new one, is that it'll fail in the same way as the one you have. A repair ends up being an upgrade - enjoy the repair, it's hugely satisfying!

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