Quote Originally Posted by kdevitt View Post
Cheers lads

They said it was 65% - which I'm highly dubious of. I don't have a decent side on photo of it - but you can see the Dell sign through the passenger side window here pretty clearly, which I can't imagine a 65% tint would allow

Presuming a factory BMW tint is actually tinted glass, rather than a film??
Looks like there's some interesting stuff in the car park! Is that a charger?

Did they use a piece of kit to measure them or did the tester lick his finger and hold it up to the wind? Was it an Irish car? Once you can prove that it's factory fitted and it passed a test before then you kinda have the nct in a pickle as they have passed a dangerous car. That will give them time to change their stance on it. That's only going to be any good if you write them a letter though.