I got into a taxi on Dublin a short while ago. A nice newish E class so I was happy it’s not the usually smelly Prius.

I quickly noticed the radio was tuned to “Spirit” which is a Christian music station. It seems to be a bit like Q102 with a bit of well intended holiness in between the songs.

I have to admit that my first thought when I realised what station was on was “Ah jaysus, I hope this driver’s not a looper”. There’s nothing about him to suggest there is. It was purely my reaction to a bit a religion creeping into normal life.

I’m a good Irish lapsed Catholic. I got married in the local church and the child’s baptised but I’ll just about make to mass on Christmas Day etc etc.

I’m wondering if my reaction is a typical response and a reflection of the decline of religion in Irish life, or am I just a grumpy old bigot?