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Thread: News - Swisstrax Modular Flooring

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Swords, Dublin

    News - Swisstrax Modular Flooring


    Just a quick heads up - we've been working away behind the scenes and are very pleased to secure the deal for 'Swisstrax' Modular Flooring

    The tile system is extremely easy to install and very durable. Lots of colour & style choices which allows for creative designs but without complicating install. Easy to lift / remove, or even change the colour of some tiles to give a new look / freshen up the area....perfect for displays that require frequent change of location, for shows, etc

    We just got confirmation today, and will be able to confirm pricing, have samples, etc, in about two weeks, but please contact us at info @ if you require any further information.
    Initially the Ribtrax and Diamondtrax will be the tiles available, but plan to add the other tile types as soon as possible.

    Thanks for reading!
    Detailing Shed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Swords, Dublin
    Managed to get a bit of time to throw down the floor - took about 3.5hrs, two of us at it. Stopped to chat to customers in that time also, and had forgotten the layout design so took a few more mintues to work out what exactly I had designed.

    Extremely easy to lay; But like any floor, a bit of care needed to make sure you are cutting the right side of the tile and the edges and fliddly bits take up the majority of time. We had 90% of the floor down in about an hour!
    Very professional appearance, and has finished off the shop nicely!

    This is how the shop looked before starting...

    And how it looked after we moved in, with just a lick of paint on the walls and floor!!

    Email us if you want a brochure / prices, etc.

    Detailing Shed

  3. #3
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    That looks great, well done. It finishes off the look very well.

  4. #4
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Looks great Dave, really transforms the place!

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