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Thread: Kids around the car! !!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2014

    Kids around the car! !!

    [size=small][/size]Hi everyone. ..
    Just want to ask,anyone had the problem with the kids playing the ball around the car's?
    I found few mark's (scratches) from the ball ,which few of them can't be polished...
    I told to kids few times stop play around the car's. effect
    I park my car on the road beside drive way, we have 3 cars in the house so not enough space in the driveway
    Any one had same problem or maybe any one sorted that thing?
    HOW? :crying:
    every thing happens in housing estate

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Swords, Dublin

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    Burst their ball!!

    Yeah, it drives me insane too - but they are kids....what can you do! They dont understand, and a lot of the time their parents dont either, because they dont look after their cars. They look at you as if you have two heads if you say anything!!

    You'll have to priorities which car gets the most protection....I try part hers in the line of fire, as its a bit rougher around the edges than mine, so dont mind it getting a bit worse! :P

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2014

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    I didn't mean kids 3-4 year old, they are 12-15 year old about and they understanding every thing, just ignore me and telling me, that is the right place for play
    Just wondering shut parents take responsibility of damages?

  4. #4
    BMWHaus Guru
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    Aug 2013

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    I feel your pain, had the same issue with my 318iS a few years ago when I was living in an estate. Talking to kids will only make them do it more, and sometimes even if you talk nicely to the parents they don't understand. I'd say best thing to do is set up a camera (doesn't have to be a hugely expensive one) and if they damage the car, fix it at BMW and send them the bill. Maybe they'll cop on then

    Edit: Ofcourse they should pay for any damage! You surely have the right to NOT have your property vandalised!

  5. #5
    BMWHaus Contributor
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    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    i had same issues but with a group of kids between 15 and 19.usually they would play in the street and usually would hop the ball of my car that was parked in my driveway.put up with it for weeks,asked them nicely,no good,told their parents useless,even garda and no good,had to get physical in the end and it stopped it,only way to sort friend sorted his issues by pissing in a super soaker water gun and whenever the kids played football and hopped it of his car he would give them a nice blast when they went to get the football.he was well mad as the football had broken his mirror and his sunroof was jammed from the football banging off the roof.

  6. #6
    BMWHaus Guru
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    RE: Kids around the car! !!


  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2014

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    Most of us have this problem, i have small kids aroud the cars all the time. But they are 2-4 i cant ask them to stop playing as i have a 2 years old my self. And parents wont understand they dot care about their own cars to much. Sad but real

  8. #8
    BMWHaus Site Sponsor
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    Kids around the car! !!

    Have the same issues, very frustrating indeed and the parents don't give a hooha either as they don't even maintain their own cars so I don't expect them to care for anyone else's. What Peter said, cheapo camera and catch them in the act then show it to the folks or An Garda if necessary. Ordinary people don't see the point or understand the value of what we do to our cars and what it takes to maintain a high standard. It's one of the reasons why I shall not get a respray until such time the car is never parked on the road.

    Super4 BMW - Early 2014

  9. #9
    BMWHaus Guru
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    Jul 2013

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    Your a big fella, tell them your in the KGB and problem solved

    Ball marks are a nightmare and very hard to get rid of, sometimes repaint is needed :huh:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    RE: Kids around the car! !!

    Yes definitely parents should pay for damages if you catch them damaging the car go round to their house and explain what happened and give them the bill id pay if my son damaged someone's car so they should pay is well

    They piss me off round here is well always with the football wrecks my head , im lucky enough my neighbours love their cars is well and are always watching they also have a camera that covers all the cars outside :-)

    Its not to bad were I am but the odd time you get a simple kid on a pushbike trying to squeeze between the two cars :-(

    A little girl about 4 or 5 decided to draw on a mini cooper s with a rock a few weeks back the lad had a camera and showed it to the parents they forked out for a respray

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