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Thread: car parking "dispute"

  1. #1

    car parking "dispute"

    wonder if anyone has any experience with something like this.
    we rent a space in town (took it on less than a month ago)

    it seems we've been caught in a dispute between another tenant and the landlord as someone keeps parking in our spot or leaving notes on the window when we do manage to get into it.

    landlord and agent have been given multiple chances to sort it out but its not getting resolved.

    we've been in to the office, on the phone, sent emails so next step is the small claims court I reckon, but has anyone been in this situation before.

    agent seems to be doing what he can, but seems like the other person is not going to give in. we do have confirmation that it is our spot and we are parking in the right place etc. im guessing the other guy lives in the apartments has just been using the spot for free up until now

  2. #2
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Was it mentioned in the lease?

  3. #3

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Which part?

  4. #4
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan_D
    Which part?
    That the parking space came with the rental?

  5. #5

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    I wouldn't know. I haven't access to the other person's lease, I'm just assuming that's why they keep parking there. Could be lots of other reasons I'm sure.

  6. #6
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    car parking "dispute"

    Leave a note on their windscreen explaining the situation, saying you entered into a lease in good faith believing the space was unused and ask them to call you so you can understand what the story is as the landlord & agent say it should be unoccupied.
    Get their side of the story and the go back to the landlord. I wouldn't pay anymore rent until it's sorted.
    They're probably having a bun fight over something and you're in the middle of it so I'd keep an eye out for an alternative spot too

  7. #7

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Have left a note a few times with explanation and phone number but they won't call and continue to park in the space.

    Would you say we are within rights to stop paying / get out of the lease

  8. #8
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan_D
    Have left a note a few times with explanation and phone number but they won't call and continue to park in the space.

    Would you say we are within rights to stop paying / get out of the lease
    IMO yes you are, you signed a contract, and it specifically stated you have access to a space, they are breaking their end of it.

    I'd say hold off on rent until its sorted and it will light a fire under them pretty promptly.

  9. #9
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    car parking "dispute"

    I lived in an apartment in Galway before and letting agent was subletting to his friend without landlords concent cash in hand job. We got in touch with the landlord and he went ballistic and moved to a different letting agent.

    Sent forward in time from my Nokia 3210

  10. #10
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    RE: car parking "dispute"

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan_D
    Have left a note a few times with explanation and phone number but they won't call and continue to park in the space.

    Would you say we are within rights to stop paying / get out of the lease
    You definitely are. Give the landlord written notice that they are in breach of the lease and that if it's not sorted by the end of the month they are in breach of the lease and they can should refund your deposit to you.

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