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Thread: So I'm off to the Frankfurt Motor Show......

  1. #1
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    So I'm off to the Frankfurt Motor Show...... September.

    Has anyone been? Looking for advice on any decent hotels somewhere near the event centre but close to social/nightlife spots too.

    Other than the show itself, is there much else worth seeing/doing whilst there?

    Thanks for the advice!

  2. #2
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    RE: So I'm off to the Frankfurt Motor Show......

    I'm going, flying over on Thursday 17th and home on the evening of 18th. These are the Trade days. They are a bit more expensive than the public days but the crowds are smaller and you get to see a lot more on stands, etc. as a result. On Public days the crowds are 10 deep at stands like Ferrari and the crowd management in the Mercedes hall has to be seen to be believed.

    Hotels can be pricey in the vicinity of the Messe or the Bahnhoff but its worth trying to find one in short walking distance because you will have an early start, if doing what I'm doing, and walk your legs off over the course of the day. It can also be worth waiting for a couple more weeks before booking because I've seen before where the prices can sometimes drop as you get a little bit closer to the event but that's a judgement call and can backfire if you leave it too long!

    Maybe its just that I'm getting old but I've tended to find that by the time you finish on the first day and get back to the hotel and shower, etc. that I really just want a good meal, a decent wine and a short distance to go to fall in to bed! If you have more energy, its not too far in to the city centre, either to walk or by taxi. I'd say that it shouldn't be too hard to find some nightlife there but remember it is Germany and mightn't be too lively on weeknights.

    I've been to the show a few times at this stage, actually the first time I went was with Topaz and a few others from an earlier incarnation of BMW forum, and its a great show. Even if you are fairly efficient about getting around it you really will need the better part of 2 days. If you are with a group or on Public days then progress will be much slower. Its well worth the effort though. As I tell Mrs D, going to shows like this is the only way I'll know what cars I'm likely to be driving 5-10 years from now

  3. #3
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    RE: So I'm off to the Frankfurt Motor Show......

    @[dergside] Do you happen to know where the Messe is located? Trying to find a hotel that's located say half way between the Messe and the city centre and maybe close to the airport also! I know it's a bit of an ask but the guy I'm travelling with is a bit fussy and certainly isn't one for meandering streets on foot for long!!

    That said, he may get used to it if there's as much footwork to be done in the event itself as you mention!

  4. #4
    BMWHaus Guru
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    RE: So I'm off to the Frankfurt Motor Show......


    If you zoom out a little on this map you'll find the railway station towards the bottom right of the map. Find the entrance to the station and follow the road outside that runs to the north west and you'll find the Messe nearby. Its only a 10 minute walk from the train station. There are lots of hotels in the vicinity. From the map you should also be able to find the city centre. That's probably a 20-30 minute walk from the Messe iirc.

    Don't worry about being close to the airport, its a bit out of town but only a half an hour or so from there to the Messe.

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