Folks, best way of reducing the stink of split milk onto a fabric (alcantara) seat.
Father in law kindly left his Passat with me for a few days and "forgot" to tell me he spilt Milk on the passenger seat yesterday!
Folks, best way of reducing the stink of split milk onto a fabric (alcantara) seat.
Father in law kindly left his Passat with me for a few days and "forgot" to tell me he spilt Milk on the passenger seat yesterday!
Well there's no point crying over it anyway
Now to be helpful, I'd say wet vac is the only way, potentially after stripping the fabric off if it's soaked right through
Yeah, wet vac if possible.
Cheap, quick solution is baking soda in a bowl and leave it in the car, should absorb the odours!
Have to say baking soda never made a difference any time I tried itOriginally Posted by Curran
Ive never had to try it - but read it works! Or also something about an oninon chopped in half.
Beside, I usually have something to hand that I can use, but never had the milk issue!
I believe an open can of John west tuna under the seat works also
Fixed nowOriginally Posted by Gar
Chicken curry on the dash also works
DAMN IT JOHN!! seen the title and was like god i hope noones done it yet haha