Quote Originally Posted by hooch View Post
My brother is currently home from the UK. He has a 16 plate F30 320d MSport Touring xdrive as a company car.
Sport auto with paddles and all the toys. Gorgeous car. Got a spin in it and to be honest there isn't the need for any more power imo. It really launches with the 4wd and from 60-100 mph it flies along. Stick it in sport plus mode and it can tackle the twisties superbly.

If you could get an early one of those they are a beautiful car.
While a very able car hooch, that just reads as depressing to me. As much as I enjoyed my diesel E46 for the mile munching I had to undertake at the time, I'd never go back. I'm not making comparisions between them both, more so an observation on diesel and the current offerings from the likes of BMW.

I think we're into a time, where we need to make the most of and enjoy the last of cars equipped with 6/8 cylinders as dailies, before the oncoming barrage of low cc turbo charged cars (petrol and diesel alike). All to keep the krusties with their environment agenda, happy - its depressing.