I think it's a fair point Eamo, but I can't see an end to classic cars.

Apart from investors, most classic car ownership is driven by nostalgia. There are 15 year olds now lusting after the current Porsche 911, M4 , 1m, and M2 that will finally get their hands on one when they are 40 years of age. The 1M is a definite future classic, all of the others are being built in much larger numbers than the first and second generation of M cars so there will be less exclusivity which will probably effect prices, but in 25 years only a very few will survive as minters and they will be the cars that will sought after by the current teenagers. There will always be a specialist with a laptop that can fix them in 25 years.

Agreed, prices for anything old with an M badge on it are crazy at the moment, but I think we are in a bubble with a lot of investors looking to make a return as classic cars have been out performing most other investments, prices could crash, who knows!!