Again, depends on what you do.

I have the last gen MBP and it's a brilliant machine. The new while very slightly faster has only got USB-C connections, so for anything you want to connect to it you need an adapter that includes, USB, HDMI, Ethernet, SD card.

The other things with a mac now
Is that the ram is soldered onto the main board, so order the laptop with the most ram is can take. I'm pretty sure that's currently 16GB.

If you're doing anything that requires rendering of images, get one win a dedicated GPU.

Mine is an i7, 512GB SSD, 16GB Ram, 2GB GPU. I can run 2 VM's and the native operating system with minimal impact on performance. The higher spec you buy now the longer you'll have it.

I would look at buying it from DID, they will sell you a warranty the covers accidental for a period of 4 years, so if anything happens to the machine within a 4 year period, outside of loss or damage, they will repair it, if it's beyond economical repair, they'll replace it with a new equivalent or issue you store credit to the value of which you paid.

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