My response


Seeing as the car is yours to sell in a rising market, I am sure you will recoup your investment either way, I see no liabilities that I have left, you have my money and the car, and assuming you were planning on selling me the car at a profit leaves you squarely in the black..Your plans to restore and sell are unchanged only the timing was altered. You also provided me with no agreement written or verbal, I would have though this would be on the receipt I requested but was never given. I think it fair to say communication along the process has be poor, and is most of the reason a better option for me was to walk away. Still a missed oppertunity for some goodwill in a small enthusiast market where experiences tend to be shared.

All the best now, and wishing you a peaceful and prosperous 2018. Should you have a change of heart please do place whatever monies you would see fit to return to me with worthy charity of your choice.

