Quote Originally Posted by Big H View Post
Anybody see the E39 going the same way ? The newest ones are 16 years old now and good ones are very few/far between (especially M Sports) ?
Will approaching 20 years old (and classic insurance) bump the values up ?

Seeing as they are regarded as the last of the great 5 series drivers cars I think they will start to rise in price once again. The 525i/530i are still a great drive even by today's standards and wear higher mileage well (yes I know they will always be a rolling resto but parts prices are certainly still reasonable & plentiful).

Pick one up while they're still relatively cheap folks....

Absolutely agree, one of the last of the classic BMW styles - I don't know how to say this, I'll try - the E39 has without doubt aged really well, I almost find myself thinking that it's like a generational shift on the E30 - the E39 was a big lump of a car in the mid nineties, nowadays it's a standard "sized" car but still displays the functional balanced design that it wrapped up for it's years at the top. I've "retired" my last one and whilst having an affair with another german marque, I'm still married to the E39, can't and downright refuse to part with it.