Here is we will start,our garage projects tread.From time to time we doing all kind of engine,suspension,drivertrane swaps.So here we will try to give you some information and explanation how on or another swap takes place.

Today we have interesting project,we have two e36 cabs,one is 323 another 318.So the plan engine from 323 goes in to 318,and 2.8 engine goes in to 323.
Some more info on 323 engine,it will be running full M3 evo exhaust including exhaust manifolds,also M50 2,5 inlet manifold will be fitted too.And just maybe we will be running a M20 single mass flywheel too(we will see on this)
Here is few pictures and how cars looked prior to work commenced

Forty minutes in to the work and Everything is stripped under the bonnet,and ready to go on to the ramp for bottom to be stripped

Hour and a half in to project and 2.5 engine is out-now deserved Coffey brake