Quote Originally Posted by Ketron View Post
Thanks Alan, I totally don't have to balls to buy that sight unseen. Might be a great buy, but massive risk as far as I'm concerned. Plus the ballache of shipping, inspection, language barriers etc.
Yeah I wouldn't have the balls either. could be a good buy though, would be a serious road trip back on the autobahn and then a stop off at the Nurburgring.
Quote Originally Posted by dergside View Post
Take out the hyphenation on the plate and that may well be a UK personal plate. Plus, it looks like a combined mph/kmph speedo..........

Caveat emptor......
They're Isle of man plate, so probably imported from there. (so it may not have had the easiest of lives, given the whole island is pretty much a track) Advert says its on got German papers now and got TUV until May 23.

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