The BMW Classics forum died off a few years back and just has the Facebook page going. I am moderator of that and have had some success organising some informal meets (BMWs & Coffee) over the last year or two including some people from here. We do have some enjoyable banter. Mr Bayerische has managed to get two stand out Cars and Coffee at Keane’s too plus the Terenure show stand.

If would be shame for the forum to go at this stage as it does serve for a good knowledge share for enthusiasts. I think if I tried directing people from the Classics page now there is no forum to here, this may help as there are some good and interested folks. I don’t think I will be posting anymore build or progress threads myself but happy to help the above and in other ways. I do have a lot of contact with forum members outside of the forum as there has been a good network built over the years, regularly passing leads and information on cars.
