the plot thickens 530 was off the road since end of july as i had the 3 series tax and nct'd for her and i was using the bike or the jeep for work,so sent in the forms both to say it was off the road from july/aug and it would be off the road for the forseeable future,then as most of you know sold the three and went to tax the 5 but was told there was a back log of forms and until i get the reciept from the tax office i cant tax it unless i pay all back taxi thought id be clever antisapating this so i photocopied all paper work before sending it off and even on producing this i was poliety told to fuck off until i get the reciept,so after a heated descussion with the tax office sup i got a stamped form stating that i had tried to tax the 530 and couldnt because its not on there system,

oh i forgot to mention that i was told if i want to tax it, it would have to taxed from july i told him to shove it and ill take my chances and id see him in court if need be

i explained its not my fault that you dont have enough time during the day to input car reg details,he replyed "that people shouldnt be leaving it to the last min "which i agreed but told him he got mine at the start of august why is it taking so long??and since the goverment knew about this months ago why didnt they have an online system setup months ago and not after this all kicked off,that shut him up:P:P

good side to all stories i suppose ,im using the car and have been stopped for no tax, showed the gaurd the stamped form and i got a "sure its some pile of shite they have setup, fecking goverment:huh:drive safe,nice car""thanks gaurd see ya"

and on a lighter note when ever the reciept finally arrives in ill only have to tax it from then