In my opinion ,its 3-4 time less people who would buy saloon M3 ,probably thats why so not lot of them around .and not many who would buy just of different color . people like U ,who can afford to keep few cars in their garage,from classic to modern , is really not much ,and they think completely different .why do U think last owner knows what was done before his ownership? i wouldnt bother to read 1000 letters ad and when think is this car for me.I wouldnt care what was done and what seller thinks it worth.The day ill see it would make my decision .If something was replaced ,doenst mean its still perfect,or was replaced at all.its over 10 years old car ,what list of changed parts it should have?its only one of 50 cars from some "enthusiast" and anyway it doenst make any sense at the end of the day .not all of them i mean