I have Pirelli Sottozero's on the E34 and they are fantastic. Now I know the E34 is 4x4 but the confidence that the winter tyres gives allows me to just truck on as if I was driving on a normal surface.

Earlier this year, in March, when we had the very deep snow (Three Feet plus) up here I took the E34 way out into the sticks up wee country roads that hadnt been ploughed or gritted and it was great.

In a normal BMW, having winter tyres is the difference between moving and not moving - its a simple as that.

But even if we dont get rediculous Arctic conditions, having winter tyres during winter improves handling, grip and reduces stopping distances. So its win win all round.

Do you need them??? Well if we get bad weather, can you afford to be stuck in your house and not get to work?? For me the answer was simple and I bought the tyres. I'm into my 3rd winter with them and they are lasting great. So you will definatley get your value for money out of them.

Like all tyres, cheap winter tyres are like cheap summer tyres i.e. POO!

Buy the best brand you can afford!