Didn't get to do a full thread on this so here is all I have, managed to leave the camera at home on the last day and no after shots was too dark when the owner came to collect!

So here goes....This is how the body shop basically left the paint, has had a few bad washes since the respray but most of the damage was from the painters, something I see with 80% of details...

There was also a lot of damage from been parked under a tree all the time, unfortunately this didn't want to come out, would ideally need another 2 days to make the roof, bonnet and bootlid along with the rest of the car pop some more.

Job in hand was full interior and exterior enhancement. This would take a good bit (80% or so) of the damage from the paint and add some life to the lovely colour it is. I did 2 stages on the bonnet, bootlid and roof as they needed some more love!!

Not many pics, mainly befores of the first day with prep and trying some panels out..


these marks are from the bodyshop again, using tape on the paint which left these marks, again not all of these came out but they did come down a fair bit.

Test section in the corner, looks better but decided to up thing to a heavy compound followed by the refining.

Lads in the body shop going to town with some fast cut plus and a wool "mop" (hate that f'ing word)

The roof with the staining from the tree's


This was a section that got some more love, but even after a coupl of stages of polishing the staining was still evident in the paint, looks a lot better but little disappointing at the same time