Quote Originally Posted by jaycab
just to let fols know the bm technic software still works but there are 2 problems with getting it to work firstly
1 the installer will not start without an activation code and in turn is then activated online
2 the software was setup to download the vmware app from bmtechnics own site and will not work as their site is gone
now heres the solutions
1 their is a chap who has setup servers to give u an activatiuon code and a software patch and activate for u for a small fee
2 theirs also a diy on the forums to allow u to change the vmware glitch which allows u to get dis up and running

#i can confirm all this works as i lost my activation when i updated windows etc.but u do need a copy of the original bm technic software which i have on a usb stick
and it now works so easy now i have it working in tandem with ncs dummy
Grand job donkey balls, you can sort mine out so as I've to reinstall it again