ive a nut allergy too,throat closes up and tongue swells,came out of the blue about 10 years ago.I discovered mine when I had a few salted nuts from aldi,very frightening stuff,thought I was going to die.
be careful as so much stuff has had contact with nuts,certain drink does me as well,eyes swell and throat swells so cant see or breathe.
2 xmas ago I got a few cans one night and after half can my throat started getting funny and eyes went itchy,within 5 mins I could barely see or breathe,had to force milk and anti hystomine tabs into me..must be frightening with a young child,i went to the doc a few times but never got the pen,just have to keep tabs with me in case...its weird how much stuff has nuts in it or has contact with nut oil,not always on the labels
the eppie pens are severe for kids..anti histamine syrup is great on kids but has to be prescribed by doctor as do the pens