Quote Originally Posted by Peter-E36
It's the starting over that would put me off too. Just depends on what you're after really
Yep thats the thing imnot too sure if starting over is a good idea as the GF will kill me as it is she hates me evening mentioining anything about my car.

Quote Originally Posted by Gar
Quote Originally Posted by kendo
Quote Originally Posted by JohnH
How many miles are on the e39?
I honestly cant remember what mileage is on it. Its a fairly straight car there is a bit of touch up needed on some bits of the paint and that to be honest is the biggest thing putting me off it. It wouldnt take much to have it looking great but im just wondering whether i should take the plunge so to speak and start over again. I think im a little bit aprehensive as i know i have a good clean car that doesnt need all that much more done to it apart from the usual upgrades that come with time and money

I would hazard a guess the E39 is the better car especially given its an Msport.
This is a choice only you and you alone can make i done the same with my e36 i had it for +3 years id taken it as far as i was willing to go and felt id nothing left to do on it and that to me meant end of the line , i stepped into my e39 3 yrs ago and haven't looked back when i bought it like most i was under the illusion i wouldnt change a thing well here i am years later still pulling it apart and pumping money into it money that i will never ever see back but it makes me happy if im not pulling a car apart im not happy if its complete i end up selling

Iv had thoughts this week about chopping it in saving a bit and buying an e60 late petrols are quite cheap some days the car just doesnt feel as good as i want it too but then other days it feels damn good so damn good you feel you will never part ways

Went on a rant there anyway its up to you mate but i seriously doubt you will regret moving to a 525i sport its a great car and i mean great

Im sure if you keep your e46 you will be just as happy so the "choice is yours"

Oh and on the starting over thats the best bit getting it home scrubbing it up making your shortlist of top jobs that need done asap

Thanks thats a good post im gonna have a look at it during the week and see how i feel as it stands i just keep thinking about how much of a good deal it could be for such a good car and i might regret it if i pass it up.