Agree 100% with Geoff.
I've said this a few weeks ago and will say it again, I would have considered myself a major contributer to driver over the years( been there since 06') and I've seen the decline of the forum long before others and tried in vain to get it back on track but infairness it was a lost cause. There comes a time when you have to jump ship so I did, I've met a lot of good people over the years on driver and hopefully they will join us here.

I've now stopped posting on driver and will focus on haus instead, but I won't get pulled into a he said/she said keyboard battle. Let them post whetever shite they want and sensor whatever they don't.

Lads if your unhappy with the direction drivers taken stop contributing.

On a different note all the detailing shed stuff that's gone on over the last few weeks is just plain spiteful. Nothing else.

God loves everyone. Peace.