Quote Originally Posted by michael320
4 and a half..... One popped out, one is sort of wiggling about thinking about coming out and the rest are solid. Im considering cracking out the demo hammer and giving them a lash but that would be a last resort..
Do you have injectors to replace them with? Reason I'm saying is that there's a tool that will insert into the body of the injector but the problem there is you need to take off the solenoid on top of it. The tool is a forking huge slide hammer that screws into the body of the injector. Once you do that you need to get them rebuilt afterwards, around €180 each to get them rebuilt.

If you do have replacements then that's not an issue. Btw I don't have the tool, we just get Fuel injection services to come round to us to do it as there very close to the garage.

I have seen some bloke on dungdeal advertising a mobile service so maybe that's an option?