Quote Originally Posted by Korsam
Quote Originally Posted by Paddy
So am I doing this in the right order?

Rinse using 2 bucket
Rinse with pressure washer
Rinse with pressure washer

Or what?!? I still seem to have swirls after and I never totally feel satisfied that the paint looks well enough!! Mainly use the meguairs (or what ever way it's spelt!) gear but I have the likes of cotton candy too and a few other bits and bobs! Is it just that I have the method wrong or I'm missing something? I don't have a machine polisher either!


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Are you trying to correct swirls and marring by hand ?
Yep, I know by hand will never correct fully but I thought claying and compounding would help massively. It's not a disaster but I do feel a bit disappointed with the results when all's done! I might try re-compounding and I'll have to pick ur some filler. Probably try blacklight seems to be the product of choice lately.

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