Quote Originally Posted by Super4
Quote Originally Posted by Venom
Decided I'd give one of these a clean the other evening. Stripped it down and gave it a shot of carb cleaner and tooth brush. It improved it but not close to where I would like it to be. Do people soak these in diesel or petrol to remove gunk or whats the story? Also is the little sensor built into the body removable? Have the plastic off to expose it and it looks like a little clip holds it in but unsure. Have pics that I can post later. Thanks
Hi Dave, if the carbon build up is excessive then it will need to soak due to the nature of carbon build up going solid. Carb cleaner is fine for removal of light build up but diesel is great for prolonged soaking. You'll go through cans of carb cleaner very quickly if using them making it a costly exercise.
Thanks Cab yeah the can of car cleaner doesn't last long. Had asked a few people and they thought it nuts soaking in diesel. Must get that sorted. Thanks