Quote Originally Posted by Gar
Quote Originally Posted by JohnH
Quote Originally Posted by Gar
Have never seen replacement front panels and iv looked at the unit in debth on all the parts catalogues the end caps yep but not the front unless it's an aftermarket crowd making them be far easier to just remove the rover badge from the headunit , mg had them as well but they have a nasty green backlighting
Some Rovers had an amber background, same as the bmw ones but are about 20% of the price for the sake of a different badge. If it was possible to buy a replacement front I'd be very tempted to put one in the e30.
All rover were Amber I had the bmw business CD43 but I wouldn't pay the price tag they seek on eBay now the rover 25 unit with a gentle sanding and some paint thinners would fit the bill much better

I just had a look now memory needed a refresh mini and mg were yellow land rover were green and finally bmw and rover we're Amber
No, they've gone mad. I bought one for the e36 but got it at a good price as the seller put up a brutal ad. I wouldn't pay the current asking prices for one now