Quote Originally Posted by Ford 2
Lads I only have 1 question really..fuel and Mparts aside. .what way do ye swallow road tax..I've dreamed and agonised over an M3 but was not in a position to have one as a sole car all down to the price of tax..the simplest way I can break it down is 42e a week..42e a week before the cars even started..not been a cheap c*** but 500 odd every 3 months is noting to be sniffed at. .I currently run my 320d and a r53 at the same time which is a nice balance of 350 every 3 months tax and 22mpg along with 50+ in the derv.. I'm ranting a bit but is the M3 it worth it.. I'm really trying to convince myself cause this year might be my chance

Sounds like we're in similar situations with the mix of cars. Since I picked up the R53 I've actually come to appreciate the 320d a lot more and I enjoy the comfort and ease at which you can make rapid progress - as an all around family car it's hard to beat. Then the R53 is perfect for when you want something a bit more raw and involved.

These days I care little for how fast a car is compared to other cars and get a kick out of how it feels to drive so with that in mind I have less of a need for something like an M3. That said, I'd still love to own one (E46 preferably) but in practical terms having driven the R53 for 8 weeks now I'd struggle to justify the M3 cost given how good the R53 has been. I also suspect due to my driving style/habits I personally would never really experience the full benefit of an M3 over and above something like the mini.

Maybe if I could afford to have it sit there as a 3rd car for select days I'd think different.:tounge: