Filling up last week, I went in to pay. As I entered the garage a suited man approaches me and asks am I 'Alan'. I said no, who are you? He said oh sorry, I just seen your car, I am a car dealer. I sold that car to the previous owner and I think I might have something you will be interested in. Intrigued, we exchanged phone numbers and true to his word he contacted me earlier this week to say that he had placed his hands on an extensive service history for the car. Fully documented within Joe Duffy & Bavarian BMW.

The history that came with the car was reasonable, but this addition is superb. I've got what looks like every single receipt for the car around 1" thick in a plastic folder. And additional proof which backs up Motorcheck's claim that the car was in 1 mans ownership for almost 6 years. Looks like it spent a chunk of its life up and down the M1, taking up residence in Dundalk for the duration.
